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Complete Journal #1
Matthew 18:21-22
Then Peter came and said to him, “Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.
Journal #1 (numbering starts over for Q2): When someone makes a mistake over and over again, they may hear something like "I've given you so many chances." How many chances should someone be given before they can no longer be trusted? What should happen after that? When, or under what circumstances, can trust be regained? Refer to the story, Scripture, or your own experiences to illustrated with examples.
Journal #1 (numbering starts over for Q2): When someone makes a mistake over and over again, they may hear something like "I've given you so many chances." How many chances should someone be given before they can no longer be trusted? What should happen after that? When, or under what circumstances, can trust be regained? Refer to the story, Scripture, or your own experiences to illustrated with examples.
Review grammar
Les Mis background:
The June Rebellion of 1832:
- after the French Revolution in 1789, some wanted a new constitutional monarchy, some wanted Napoleon to be Emperor, and some wanted a Republic.
- The June Rebellion, or Parisian Uprising, was a short two-day spurt of violence by Republicans protesting the new constitutional monarchy of Luis-Philippe in 1830.
- Some of the discontents were also Bonapartists, disillusioned by Napoleon's loss at the battle of Waterloo in 1812.
- Economic hardship, cholera outbreaks, and rises in the cost of living also contributed to dissatisfaction with the ruling authorities.
Victor Hugo is known as a French Romantic author, meaning he is interested in depicting characters who are heroes, villain, or individual who stand for strong ideals.
Important themes: forgiveness & redemption, crime & law, the consequences of one's past, love in the midst of war, the futility of passion, the effects of being offered grace/a second chance.
Character Analysis: Moral Analysis. C.S. Lewis is going to help us develop questions that we should ask in order to analyze a character's moral framework.
Set up reading in Subtext
Be ready to read Les Mis
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