Journal Entries

Journal Responses:

  • Handwrite in your notebook or Journal section.
  • Copy down the question first.
  • Write as much as you can for the entire time given.
  • Don’t worry about misspellings, improper grammar, or incorrect sentence structure. Just write, and write a lot.
  • If you are stuck, write about a question you have about the question, why you are confused, a similar or related issue, or a story/illustration from your life.

Entry #
English 1
In Chapter 16, the sorns discuss why oppressive social forces, like war, slavery, and prostitution, exist on Thulcandra: 
'It is because they have no Oyarsa,' said one of the pupils.
'It is because every one of them wants to be a little Oyarsa himself,' said Augray.
'They cannot help it,' said the old sorn. 'There must be rule, yet how can creatures rule themselves? Beasts must be ruled by hnau and hnau by eldila and eldila by Maleldil. These creatures have no eldila. They are like one trying to lift himself by his own hair--or one trying to see over a whole country when he is on a level with it--like a female trying to beget young on herself.'
What does this quote mean? Why is it significant? What, or who, does it make you think of?
 Describe someone who is like Weston—loves a big idea about people but struggles to love actual people. The person may be real, fictional, or both. 
Why do we need fiction?
Write about someone like the boy in "The Heavenly Christmas Tree" whose story is unknown to those around him or her. Why is his/her story not being told? What would it take for this person's story to be heard?
What are one or two things you need to focus on to write a solid Literary Analysis essay?
What does Christianity teach about hospitality and/or food? Are you following these teachings?
Write a creative (narrative or poem) or explanatory response: is American culture hospitable or inhospitable? 
What makes a hero? Who are good models of this heroism? Do Odysseus or Achilles meet your expectations?
What did you learn about hospitality or story-telling from this project? Why are they important? How are they done well?
Write about an object, scene, landscape, or concept that is highly meaningful to you. Compose your writing as a reflection, meditation, or narrative.

Write as many creative metaphors, similes, or personifications as you can.
Choose an important person (or people) in your life who has (have) expectations of you: teachers, friends, coaches, boyfriend or girlfriend, etc. What are others’ expectations of you? Are their expectations consistent with what you expect of yourself, or do you expect something different?
Where is Pip (#1)? Explain Pip's current status in his journey by writing, creating a quick sketch that portrays your response symbolically or literally, and including a quote related to your response. Think of this as a scrapbook of Pip's life.
Where is Pip (#2)? Explain Pip's current status in his journey by writing, creating a quick sketch that portrays your response symbolically or literally, and including a quote related to your response. Think of this as a scrapbook of Pip's life.
Where is Pip (#3)? Explain Pip's current status in his journey by writing, creating a quick sketch that portrays your response symbolically or literally, and including a quote related to your response. Think of this as a scrapbook of Pip's life.
Tell a story from your Christmas break. Tell the story from a different point-of-view than your own, and use a distinct voice that captures the character traits of that person or thing’s point of view.
Part 2: Read C.S. Lewis' Good Reader/Bad Reader. How will you strive to be a better reader this semester?
What is love?
Who or what has the authority to define what love is?
Are teenagers capable of real love?
What does love look like between parents and children?
What does love look like between friends?
What does love between a husband and wife look like?
What does love between God and humans look like, OR what is the best example of love that humankind has ever seen?
What are some things that really bug you? Describe them in vivid detail.
What are some things that make you very uncomfortable? Describe them in vivid detail.
What are some things that you question or doubt? Describe them in vivid detail.
What are some things that you worry about leading to bad things? Describe in vivid detail.
What are some things you believe to be wrong or evil? Describe them in vivid detail.
Where does our sense of right and wrong come from? Explain.
Why do humans contradict even the things they know to be right or wrong? Explain.

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