Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday, 8/24

1. Pulls out your notebook. Find "Journal Entries" under "Writing" and begin working on Entry #1. Write for 10 minutes.

2. Pray Psalm 4

3. [Period 3--finish NASA]

4. Work on writing Narratives.

  • Find a guide for MLA formatting under "Writing."
  • Find instructions to create a account under "Class Logistics"-->"Log-In Codes"
  • Due tomorrow when class begins
  • Print a physical copy and submit to
5. Pass back/review quizzes

HW: Submit narrative to before class tomorrow,8/25, and bring a printed copy.
If you are having techie issues with Google Classroom or, go to the ARC, then seek me for guidance if the issue persists. I will have one day of grace for the syllabi signatures and narratives so we can work out any bugs, but only one day. Seek a solution.

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