*Pray Psalm 9:11-20
2. Review Parts of Speech--questions?
3. Independent Reading Intro--
This semester, you will read one outside reading book. The assignment will be announced later; for now, pick a book from the list below sometime this weekend. You may start reading and annotating if you like, but it is not required. Just find and purchase the book. Here are the options:
*The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan--a contemporary re-telling of stories from Greek mythology
*Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card--a science fiction novel about a young genius chosen to prepare for inter-galactic war.
*Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury--a dystopian (utopia gone wrong) story of a book-burning society by a California native
*The Princess & The Goblin by George MacDonald--a fairy-tale (which is by no means just for children) exploring faith in the midst of darkness.
4. Continue Short Story Intro--What is the difference between Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Fairy Tale?
5.Open a new document in Notability and title "Plot and Genre." Place in "Reading Notes." Take notes on Plot & Genre Key Terms. If we have time, we will read "How Much Land Does a Man Need?"
HW: Read and annotate "The Heavenly Christmas Tree" (Click here for a Recording) download text from Google Drive folder.
Choose and purchase your Independent Reading book. The options are in the post above.
Narrative Draft 2 is due Wednesday, 9/9. MLA format required. See a link to "Purdue Owl" on the right hand side of the blog.
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