Sunday, November 15, 2015

Friday, 11/13

*Complete the Great Expectations Intro Quiz Independently.

*Complete the Roots Quiz 1 with a Partner.

1. Upon completion of the Quizzes, you will have 30 minutes to finish your Persuasive Prompt #1: letter to Pip. The instructions are below. When you finish, submit to the black bin and begin reading.

Persuasive Prompt #1: Pip is deeply aware of a sense of right and wrong-- he cares deeply about his moral compass, although at some points his compass seems to not be pointing in the right direction. Find a critical point in the novel when Pip is faced with a moral dilemma, especially one where he could have made a better choice. Write a 2-paragraph letter to Pip attempting to persuade him to make a different choice, or encouraging him for making a good choice and persuading him to continue following that path in the future. Create an argument that uses persuasive technique.

2. Read Chapters 23-26.

HW--Finish Reading Chapters 23-26.
Stay on Independent Reading Pace.

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