Research Paper Rubric

Research Essay Outline--include each of the following in bullet-point format notes on what will be covered in each of these sections:


  • Attention-Getter
  • Background Info
  • Thesis
Body paragraphs (several)

  • Topic Sentence
  • Quotes (several)
  • Commentary (several)
  • Concluding Sentence

  • Restate Thesis
  • “So What?”
  • Concluding Statement

Basic Essay Reminders: (failure to adhere to these will keep you below a "C")

MLA heading
1" Margins, Times New Roman 12 pt font, everything double-spaced
Creative Title
Proper grammar and punctuation
Proper spelling, capitalization, and mechanics
Use in-text citations properly (at least one quote per paragraph)
Include a works cited page
MLA style page citations and works cited

Screen Shot 2013-09-05 at 8.42.17 AM.pngWritten Communication (Research)            
Exceptional (A)
Capable (B)
Developing (C)
Weak (D-F)
Introduction & Conclusion
Thesis directly addresses the question & argument contains exceptional, original insights, complex ideas, and a specific argument that is unique but strongly transcends mere personal opinion (based in truth).

Coherent and intriguing conclusion that summarizes major ideas and further explores the theme without introducing new topics
Thesis  addresses the question & argument contains some insights and complex ideas; the argument is less specific than an exceptional essay. Employs a unique argument that begins to transcend personal opinion (based in truth).

Recognizable conclusion that  restates major ideas and explores the main theme; may introduce new topics.
Thesis vaguely addresses the question & argument is simplistic or argument is vague.  Employs an argument that is unoriginal or struggles to transcend personal opinion (misapprehending truth).

Vague conclusion; introduces new topics.
Thesis does not address the question & argument is limited, unclear, or missing. Argument is unclear, broken, lapsed, mere personal opinion, or completely unoriginal (based in a fundamental misunderstanding).

No conclusions to body paragraph.

and Commentary
Topic sentence is clear,  specific, and directly supports the thesis & argument remains focused  throughout the paper

Explains the significance of all concrete details using insightful commentary that makes detailed connections to the thesis, topic sentence and Christian worldview.
Topic sentence may support the thesis, but is less clear and specific & focus is evident throughout most of the paper.

Explains the significance of all concrete details; strong commentary but connection to thesis or  topic sentence or Christian worldview is less clear.
Topic sentence begins to support the thesis, but is generally unclear &/or  focus is not always clear within each body paragraph.

Does not adequately explain several examples; summarizes; does not connect concrete details to topic sentence or thesis or Christian worldview.
Topic sentence is unclear and/or does not support the thesis &/or focus vague or confused.

Lists concrete details without explaining their significance. Commentary is minimal or non-existent.  Connection to Christian worldview is absent.

Uses a thoughtful and meaningful selection of concrete details to support topic sentence that come from a variety of relevant  and appropriate sources.
Uses appropriate concrete details to support the topic sentence that may come from a some relevant  and appropriate sources.
Paper requires more appropriate examples to support the topic sentence. Not always entirely relevant or meaningful sources used.
Provides little or no concrete details to support the topic sentence.  Very little relevance or appropriateness in the source selection.

The paper organization demonstrates a logical purpose in line with thesis & the essay has a consistent smoothness, the writing flows and is supported by efficient transition sentences
The paper order demonstrates some purpose in line with the thesis &/or the essay is not consistently smooth, but is supported by transition sentences.
The paper order demonstrates little purpose or logic in line with the thesis &/or the essay attempts transition sentences.
The paper order demonstrates no purpose or logic in lie with the thesis &/or the essay is choppy and contains little to no transitions.

Complete sentences are used all of the time, spelling and punctuation are correct, & correct tense is used all the time.

Active voice is used, academic language is present throughout the essay & shows exceptional awareness of audience and control of voice; No awkward phrasing or inaccurate wording.

Always uses proper quote/paraphrase format, proper use of margin, font, line spacing, and citation
Complete sentences are used most of the time, spelling and punctuation are mostly correct, & correct tense is used most of the time

Active voice is used most of the time; academic language is attempted; colloquial phrases are presen &/or shows awareness of audience and control of voice; minimal awkward phrasing or inaccurate wording

Minor errors in proper use of quotes/paraphrases margin, font, line spacing, and citation
Complete sentences are used some of the time, spelling and punctuation contain errors, &/or correct tense is used some of the time

Active voice is attempted; colloquial phrases are overused &/or shows basic awareness of audience; contains awkward phrasing and inaccurate wording

Some errors in proper use of quotes/paraphrases  margin, font, line spacing, and citation
Frequent fragment, run-on or other sentence errors that obscure the meaning of the piece, excessive errors in spelling and/or punctuation obscure meaning of argument; needs rigorous revision and careful proofreading &/or correct tense is not used.

Passive voice is used throughout; language is informal and colloquial &/pr shows limited awareness of voice; awkward phrasing and inaccurate wording obscure the meaning of argument.

Major errors in use of quotes/paraphrases  margin, font, line spacing, and citation.

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