The Odyssey and Epic Journeys

An epic is often a sweeping tale following one specific hero, but along the way provides a broad view of that hero's culture. Along the way we will consider how we can our cultures, our own lives, and our faith as epics. Think: How can both internal and external journeys be considered epic? What is the epic story of Christianity?

Click Here for Analysis Essay Assignments

Key Terms (know for Analysis and for a Quiz):
Leithart – “Ancient Epic”
Ø  Homer
Ø  Epic Poetry
Ø  Oral Poetry
Ø  Proem
Ø  En Media Res
Ø  Epithet
Ø  Epic Simile
Ø  Chiastic/concentric pattern

Leithart – “The Odyssey
Ø  Odysseus
Ø  Penelope
Ø  Telemachus
Ø  The suitors
Ø  The Trojan War
Ø  Nostos
Ø  Nous
Ø  Metis
Ø  Delayed Identification
Ø  Food/feasting/Greek hospitality

Reading Questions for Introductory Material
1.      What does nostos mean for Odysseus?
2.      What does metis mean?
3.      Describe the structure of the Odyssey, especially in comparison to The Illiad.
4.      What is the theme of “delayed identification?” How does the “proem” reflect this theme?
5.      How does the moral perspective of The Odyssey differ from the Illiad? What does this say about the difference in the depiction of the gods?
6.      How does food figure into the story?
7.      What does the name “Odysseus” mean?
8. What stories from Scripture or Christian principles relate to Homer's Odyssey?

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