Monday, August 11, 2014

Day 1 - Welcome

1) Introduction/Classroom rules and procedures

2) The Syllabus/the blog (

3) Journals & iPads

4) Complete "Student Note-Card" Introduction Assignment

Student Note-Card Assignment

Directions: On a 3 x 5 card, or card-stock cut to the same dimensions, answer the following questions. On the other side, include your full name (first name what you prefer to be called,) and a picture or illustration of yourself, or of something you identify with

1. Address:

2. E-mail Address:

3. Phone Number (home):

4. What do you enjoy the most?

5. What is one goal, one bad habit you want to repent of, OR something I should know about you as a student? Please include at least one thing that will help me know how to teach you to the best of my ability.

1. Full Name

2. Picture or illustration

HW: Review the Syllabus, Sign Management Plan, Student Note-Card Assignment; Review/Complete Summer Reading (All due Monday, 8/18)

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