2) Brainstorm for Personal Narrative while Mr. Kirkendall reviews STAR
3) Personal Narrative Drafting
In order to start, you have to have the end in mind.
Plot structure--why is it best for your story?
Creation, Fall, and Redemption--how can this be tied into events or characters in the story? How can you convey it through your description?
First Draft (typed, at least 5 paragraphs) is due Tuesday, 9/2
4) Copy and define in Grammar Notes:
Independent Clause
Dependent Clause
Click on Bedford Link.
Go to Bedford 8a - read through examples of how to use verbs that are active, not passive.
Practice: in Bedford 8c, revise a, b, and c.
For HW, underline at least one place in your narrative where you are using ACTIVE verbs.
Journal #3 - What might imagination have to do with being a Christian? Consider both Christian practices and beliefs. What could fictional stories have to do with Christianity?
HW: First Draft of Personal Narrative, typed and in MLA format, is due on Tuesday, 9/2; submit to turnitin.com AND turn in physically. Underline at least one place where you are using ACTIVE verbs (2 pts). Do some labor to celebrate labor day.
*Download all texts under "Christian Perspective and Imagination" on Focus into Notability; put in "Intro to Poems & Shorts" category.
TURNITIN instructions:
Go to turnitin.com.
Make an account.
Click on the "Turnitin & Subtext" document on the right-hand column of the blog.
When asked, enter the course code (7-digit number corresponding to the period you have English) and the password.
Upload the document.
Email me if you have questions.
*Download all texts under "Christian Perspective and Imagination" on Focus into Notability; put in "Intro to Poems & Shorts" category.
TURNITIN instructions:
Go to turnitin.com.
Make an account.
Click on the "Turnitin & Subtext" document on the right-hand column of the blog.
When asked, enter the course code (7-digit number corresponding to the period you have English) and the password.
Upload the document.
Email me if you have questions.
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