Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday 8/28 & Friday 8/29

1) See "Staying Organized" Link on the right. Read it, and begin organizing yourself accordingly.

2) Brainstorm for Personal Narrative while Mr. Kirkendall reviews STAR

3) Personal Narrative Drafting

      In order to start, you have to have the end in mind.
      Plot structure--why is it best for your story?
      Creation, Fall, and Redemption--how can this be tied into events or characters in the story? How can you convey it through your description?

      First Draft (typed, at least 5 paragraphs) is due Tuesday, 9/2

4) Copy and define in Grammar Notes:

Independent Clause
Dependent Clause

Click on Bedford Link.

Go to Bedford 8a - read through examples of how to use verbs that are active, not passive. 
Practice: in Bedford 8c, revise a, b, and c.

For HW, underline at least one place in your narrative where you are using ACTIVE verbs.

    Journal #3 - What might imagination have to do with being a Christian? Consider both Christian practices and beliefs. What could fictional stories have to do with Christianity?

HW: First Draft of Personal Narrative, typed and in MLA format, is due on Tuesday, 9/2; submit to AND turn in physically. Underline at least one place where you are using ACTIVE verbs (2 pts). Do some labor to celebrate labor day.

*Download all texts under "Christian Perspective and Imagination" on Focus into Notability; put in "Intro to Poems & Shorts" category.

TURNITIN instructions:

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Click on the "Turnitin & Subtext" document on the right-hand column of the blog.
When asked, enter the course code (7-digit number corresponding to the period you have English) and the password.
Upload the document.
Email me if you have questions.

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