Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Thurs., 9/25 & Fri., 9/26

Prepare for Book Club
Book Club--20 points for completion, 20 points for quality of group-work (discussion expectations!)
Be ready for next book club

[4th period only:
What kind of obstacle does the Cyclops present to Odysseus? What does this symbolize?
How does Odysseus prove his metis and nous in this episode?
How do Odysseus, the Cyclops, and various gods (Zeus, Poseidon, etc.) all relate to each other? Is Odysseus in control of his own destiny, or do the gods determine his destiny?]

Finish the Odyssey Part 1

Written Response in Journal: How does Homer develop themes surrounding metis, nous, or nostos? Cite specific examples and specific devices that Homer uses.

Narrative Revisions: 2nd Draft & Final Draft Expectations

Finish Narrative Revisions 2nd Draft--one day of Grace (turn in by Monday)
Submit to

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