Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday, 9/2

In "Grammar Notes," Correct the following sentences so they utilize active verb forms:

The student on roller-blades was tripped by the irksome teacher.

The only responsibility I was given by my parents was putting gas in the new car.

The written work of first and fourth period was influential in Mr. Kirkendall's decision to teach a lesson on active verbs.

*Have Personal Narratives ready to turn in
*Returning work, re-dos, folders, organization reminder
*Returned work questions after "Pre--"

Pray - Psalm 1:1-4
Discuss: What is a story? What is imagination? What would these have to do with being a Christian?
Is your reading and writing "governed by the Law of Love?" (Alan Jacobs, A Theology of Reading, p. 10)
Read C.S. Lewis essay excerpt; take notes and complete 1-2 sentence response:
Why do humans need stories? What do stories have to do with being Christian?
Read George MacDonald excerpt; take notes and complete 1-2 sentence response:
Why is imagination important? What does imagination have to do with being Christian?

Make sure your e-book or book of Mere Christianity is ready and bring it tomorrow.
Start on Homework

Grammar Lesson 1 - Active Verbs: Complete items d., e., 1, and 2 in Bedford 8c (p. 151). Complete in "Grammar/Writing" notes section. Due Wed., 9/3

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