Monday, August 31, 2015

Tuesday, 9/1

1. Sit with your research partners, and begin working.

2. Pray Psalm 8

3. Research Essay due at the end of the period.
Submit one essay with both partners' names on it to
Submit all your annotations with both partners' names to Google Classroom.
It does not matter which partner submits these.

4. If you finish, pull out your Fantasy Narrative Draft and begin reviewing your peers' comments. A revised draft that expands on your first draft is due Tuesday, 9/8.

HW: Work on Fantasy Narrative revisions.

Monday, 8/31

1. Compose Journal #2 in your Notebook. (5-7 minutes)

2. Pray Psalm 7

3. MLA - review the sample document and requirements here. Make sure both partner's names are on annotations and in heading of Research Essay

4. Write your partner Research Essay.

HW: Research Essay due by the end of class tomorrow, submitting to Annotations submitted to Google Classroom or turned in physically.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Friday, 8/28

We have only thirty minutes today, so let's get right to business!

[3rd: finish Narrative Revisions]
1. Review the essay requirements at the bottom of the Mini-Research Assignment page. Review the Key Terms notes. Questions?

2. Review the essay requirements.

2. Continue working in your pairs. Aim to finish researching/annotating and begin writing. Most of you should be in a place where you can write your thesis.

HW: Mini-Research due Tuesday, 9/1.
Have the Bedford Handbook purchased and downloaded by Monday. We will start using it.
I am pushing back the due date of the Narrative. I will share with you when it is due next week.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Thursday, 8/27

1. Pull up the Key Terms notes from yesterday.
 Review them, and decide now if you will take notes digitally or physically in English.
Together, let's review "Staying Organized" and set up our Notability or Notebook.

2. Pray Psalm 6

3. Read this Sample Narrative Fragment, following the instructions. Discuss what needs to be improved.

4. Find a partner to trade essays with someone in your cluster of four. Read and give feedback by following the model of feedback on the sample narrative.

*If you find grammar or spelling mistakes, make a check-mark in the margin by the line where you find it.
*At the end of your partner's essay, write a response in which you comment on one strength and one weakness, with suggestions for how to keep the strong stuff up and on how to improve the weak stuff in revision. Provide specific comments that relate to the categories above, but do not fix things for them.

5. If time, continue researching, and review essay expectations.

HW: Narrative Draft 2 due Wednesday, 9/2. You may write more than 2-3 pages. If it is over 6 pages, come talk to me. Some class time for revision will be given on Tuesday, 9/1.
Work on Mini-Research.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Wednesday, 8/26

Please sit in your pairs/groups.  Click here for the partners list.

1. Go to the instructions for the STAR Testing Instructions (under Class Logistics, Log-In Codes). Pull up the STAR app and follow instructions. This will be a helpful way of keeping track of your skills progress this year.

2. When you finish, create a Notability document, or open your notebook about halfway, and title a new page "Research Notes." Copy down the Key Terms on the Mini-Research Assignment page. When you finish, read the rest of the Assignment, and continue working on research with your pairs.

3. I will be passing back quizzes for you to review and commenting on them at the end of class.

HW: Work on your Mini-Research assignment.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Tuesday, 8/25

1. On the back of your rough draft, write:
       a. The strongest thing about your story.
       b. What can use improvement.

Once you have written these two things on the back, turn in your first draft and second draft to the black tray.

2. Pray Psalm 5

3. Find you new partners for mini-research: Mr. Kirkendall's class click here

4. Introduce the Mini-Research assignment.

HW: Mini-Research due Tuesday, 9/1. Work time will be given in class Wednesday, Friday, and Monday.

Monday, 8/24

1. Pulls out your notebook. Find "Journal Entries" under "Writing" and begin working on Entry #1. Write for 10 minutes.

2. Pray Psalm 4

3. [Period 3--finish NASA]

4. Work on writing Narratives.

  • Find a guide for MLA formatting under "Writing."
  • Find instructions to create a account under "Class Logistics"-->"Log-In Codes"
  • Due tomorrow when class begins
  • Print a physical copy and submit to
5. Pass back/review quizzes

HW: Submit narrative to before class tomorrow,8/25, and bring a printed copy.
If you are having techie issues with Google Classroom or, go to the ARC, then seek me for guidance if the issue persists. I will have one day of grace for the syllabi signatures and narratives so we can work out any bugs, but only one day. Seek a solution.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Friday, 8/22

1. Pull up "Lewis' Interplanetary Themes & Plot" under "Units of Study." Read the instructions under #4 on writing the Fantasy Narrative. Begin brainstorming.

2. Pray Psalm 3

3. What are different brainstorming styles? Where do you start?

*Make a big list of all of your ideas; rank them in order of plot sequence or importance.
*Make a spider-chart with a core idea, theme, or character, and related events or characters branching off of that.
*Make a 5-point plot diagram.
*Just start writing as much as you can, whatever comes to mind, and worry about organizing later.

4. Begin writing, remembering to start with the ordinary and move to the extraordinary, and following a 5-point plot structure with a climax.

5. Check in with a partner who has the same color eyes as you--
*How will your story start? What becomes extraordinary?
*What will be the five movements of your plot?
*Is there something specific in your writing you want them to help you revise or improve?

6. NASA Team Building (30 minutes) in groups. Be in groups of four, and try to find group members who live in the same city as you.

HW: Narrative Draft 1 due Tuesday, 8/25; you will have most of class time Monday to work on writing.
Have by Monday: Notebook, Bedford e-book (just one, which should include a code for Integrated Media), and Signature Page submitted to Google Classroom

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wednesday 8/19

1. Review Class Policies (Click on "Class Logistics" and then "Class Policies")

2. Pray Psalm 2

3. Review Staying Organized

4. Bedford? Blog Questions?

5. Begin Brainstorming/Working on Fantasy Narrative

HW: Bring a composition notebook, obtain Bedford e-book, and submit Class Policy signature page to Google Classroom by Monday, 8/24
Brainstorm for your fantasy narrative (Draft 1 due Tuesday, 8/25)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Tuesday, 8/18

1. Grab a quiz, find a partner wearing the same color socks, and start working. The quiz is open book, and open note, and you may complete it with a partner.  You may use your iPad to access OSP and any notes.
  • Start by introducing yourself and briefly discussing your favorite part of the book.
  • You have 15 minutes. If you finish, check your work.
  • I will begin annotation checks during your quiz.
  • At this point, turn off your partner's wi-fi, and keep your iPads flat.
Review the basic overview of plot structure to prepare:

Denouement is a french word that literally means "untying," and is similar to a resolution or conclusion. 

And review theme for the written portion:

Theme is a message constructed by an author. It usually includes a big idea + commentary on that idea (e.g. love without truth is blind) and is developed through patterns of words, scenes, characters, and events in a work.

2. Pray Psalm 2

3. Discuss parts 2 and 3 of the quiz; you may make modifications during this time. Pass in quizzes.

4. Continue Syllabus and Expectations

HW: Review the Syllabus, and explore the blog.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Welcome! Monday, 8/17

Welcome to English 1, and welcome back to Earth from your Martian journey. Please settle in and follow the agenda below, keeping in mind the following about iPads:

-close all unnecessary apps
-turn off all notifications
-keep it flat or slightly inclined, 2-3 inches
-use a finger or stylus, and only type if it is approved.

I dearly value our time to learn together, and you will show me that you do too by doing these things.

1. [start immediately]: Complete the student survey I pass out. This is my chance to start getting to know you, and I appreciate your honesty and thoroughness.

2. When you finish, begin reading over the syllabus. You can find it and download it from the MV web page here. Open it in Notability.

3. Pray and go over syllabus: Course Description--Gradebook Categories

4. Think together: Who will we be as a class? What will we be about? 

5. If time: polish annotations/review OSP, and begin brainstorming for Narrative (instructions here, see #4)

HW: Be ready for the OSP Annotation Checks tomorrow, and an open-book open-note quiz.