Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Friday, 1/15

1. Copy/complete in your Grammar and Roots notes--

cycl, cyclo
wheel, circular
Cyclops, unicycle, bicycle, cyclone, cyclic
I ride my unicycle to school every day.

It’s = contraction for “it is.”
Its = possessive pronoun
1)   ___________ pleasure to meet you (its/it’s).
2)  The government gave most of __________ funding to fighting poverty (its/it’s).

2. Go to the Short Narrative Unit page (click here or find under Units of Study) and begin copying Key Terms notes under #3 into your reading notes while we review them.

Then, review the Narrative Rubric together (#4) to gain a broad view of what constitutes a well-told story. You will be writing your own story inspired by a new story of your choice, and this rubric will also be used to grade it.

Then, continue through #3, #5, and #6, which include--

*Completing the 6 Response Questions (RQs) to "The Most Dangerous Game" on a new document.
*Choosing a new short story from the list, reading, and responding to the same 6 Response Questions for this story on the same document (12 response questions total for 2 stories).
*Begin brainstorming and writing your own short narrative.

All instructions and guidelines are on the short narrative unit page.

HW--RQs due Wed., 1/20 (12 total for 2 stories)
Short narrative due Tuesday, 1/26

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