A prayer for Monday in holy week; remember, Palm Sunday celebrates the "arrival of the King," and this week we walk with Jesus on the road to his suffering, death, and resurrection:
Almighty God,
Your name is glorified
even in the anguish of your Son's death.
Grant us the courage
to receive your anointed servant
who embodies a wisdom and love
that is foolishness to the world.
empower us in witness
so that all the world may recognize
in the scandal of the cross the mystery of reconciliation. Amen.
Your name is glorified
even in the anguish of your Son's death.
Grant us the courage
to receive your anointed servant
who embodies a wisdom and love
that is foolishness to the world.
empower us in witness
so that all the world may recognize
in the scandal of the cross the mystery of reconciliation. Amen.
*Questions about last week?
*Be familiar with the TKAMB Unit Page, our EQ, etc.
*Scope for the rest of the year
*Roots Quiz and Organization Check on Block (Wed/Thurs of this week)
*Mrs. Kirkendall, Petra Grace and I are so grateful for your prayers and for YOU!
2. Complete Journal #25:
*Mrs. Kirkendall, Petra Grace and I are so grateful for your prayers and for YOU!
1. Copy these roots into your notes; these are our final roots for the quarter. There will be a test on Block Day, perhaps on all 40, but also perhaps only on the final ten (flex/fect - germ):
geo | earth | geometry, geography, geocentric, geology |
germ | vital part | germination, germ, germane |
2. Complete Journal #25:
What are some things that make you very uncomfortable? Describe them in vivid detail.
3. What are the major themes popping up in TKAMB so far?
*What is the deal with the Radley's? Are Scout and her friends engaging in harmless, childish fun around their home, or is there something deeper going on?
*Begin reading Chapter 5 together
HW--Finish reading Chapter 5; complete a Reading Journal entry
Be ready for Roots Quiz and Organization/Journal Check on Block (Wed/Thurs)
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