Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday, 3/1

1. Turn in your essays to the black bin, with your outlines.
*If turnitin.com is not working, e-mail it to me.

2. You will present your art and essay to the class including:
a.    showcasing your art
b.    summarizing the thesis and evidence if your essay
c. answer the question: "What is love?" (briefly)
d.    reflecting on the relationship between the art piece and the essay

                      i.        For example, answer the question, “How did my art inform my writing?” or vice versa.

Art Project Rubric for Romeo and Juliet  (30 points)
Due Tuesday, March 1
Criteria for Project

Excellent use of material
Extreme attention to detail
Crafted with care and attention
Technical ability reflects expertise in materials

Dynamic image, object, or material engages audience
Each detail uniquely contributes to the whole piece
Explores original choices and ideas
Appealing to the senses

Art piece is substantially related to a character
Art piece is substantially related to the character’s demonstration of love
The character and theme are symbolically or literally represented in the piece
The connection to Romeo & Juliet engages deeply with the text, character and theme.
Creatively Incorporates a quote from Romeo & Juliet related to the character.

Presentation Rubric for Romeo and Juliet (20 Points)
Due March 3 - 8
Criteria for Project
No more than two minutes
Clear articulation; not rushing or slurring words; speaks intentionally and deliberately without word-fluff (like, umm, you know…)
Adequate time given to each required topic

Showcases and thoroughly summarizes art piece
Briefly summarizes the core argument and evidence of the analysis essay
Offers an insightful reflection on the relationship between the art pieces and the essay

Makes eye contact consistently, only occasionally referencing notes
Keeps a formal posture, tone, and demeanor
Dresses formally

Comments on how the art project deepened understanding of the character/text
Comments on how the central argument of the essay is represented in the art piece
Shows an insightful awareness of the thought-process behind how the art and essay both relate to the textual or character details specifically.

HW--Polish Art Project; we will continue preparing for the presentation tomorrow.
Bring Independent Reading book on Block Day.

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