Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thursday, 12/11 & Friday, 12/12

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Please take this survey about my teaching; be as honest as possible. I greatly appreciate your feedback.

Turn in your Grace Project Plan by going to the Project Page (click here), and posting your plan as a comment in reply to the post. Be sure to include your name so I can grade it, and be sure to leave personal details such as names out, or changed, if there are details that should remain private.

Take time to read through your classmates' plans. Gather inspiration from them, and make any revisions to your own plan in light of the things that you see your classmates doing.

Discuss Les Miserables the musical film, and the novel.
How are class differences portrayed differently or similarly?
How are contrasts used?
How are characters developed?

Review for the final--see the Semester 1 Final Study Guide
Grammar notes
Literary Devices/Reading Notes
Works we have read

Study for the final exam
Bring a #2 pencil on Final Exam Day

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Screen Shot 2014-11-29 at 8.35.25 AM.png.

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