Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thursday, 1/8 & Friday, 1/9

Pull up your analysis assignment (3 questions)

Share & discuss in groups of three: with classmates wearing relatively the same color shirt (by the time the bell rings).

Give each other feedback on writing--simply type at the bottom a strength of their analysis (in general) and a weakness of their analysis, and suggestions for improvement.

Remember, good analysis:
1) Is focused on what the author is doing
2) Has a claim sufficiently proven by the evidence
3) Uses quotes appropriately

Discuss Rainsford & Zaroff's motivation, and the author's intention regarding "the human heart.

Watch this video to introduce the TIME of Harper Lee's writing

Introduce TKAMB--take notes as I present. The presentation will be available on Focus and HERE.

Following instructions on the final slide in order to complete the "Current Event Research Assignment." Turned in through Google Classroom by Monday at 8 AM.

If time, begin reading To Kill a Mockingbird silently.

Begin reading Chapter 1 of To Kill a Mockingbird. 

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