Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Wednesday, 11/7

Pull out a piece of paper and pen/pencil--a half-sheet will be sufficient.
Prepare for 5-question quiz on "The Most Dangerous Game."
Reminder--if you did not submit your Grace Reflection to Google Classroom by 11:59 last night, it is late.

We will be discussing and creating written responses to the following questions:

1. What motivates General Zaroff? (use at least one quote)
2.  What motivates Rainsford? (use at least one quote)
3. What portrait of the human heart is Conell (the author) painting with these two characters? (use at least two quotes, and consider whether or not you think Zaroff's "heart" is different than Rainsford's "heart," or if they are the same).

Reminders about analysis (which should be in your notes!):

1. Focus on what the author is doing, in this case, how the author is developing characters. Seek to describe specific elements--like dialogue, plot, imagery, or figurative language--and how the author uses these things to portray the characters' motivation, or "the human heart."

2. When using quotes, weave the quote into the sentence using a signal phrase and by only quoting the necessary details, in a way that allows the sentence to flow smoothly.

"For example, General Zaroff is... "..."

Pull up "The Most Dangerous Game," and find a partner.
-What quotes could be used to develop a response to each question? Use this time to develop responses before writing.

Begin writing your responses on a separate document, numbered 1-3. Turn it in through Google Classroom.

Have a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird by Block Day.
Finish the 3 analysis questions and submit to Google Classroom

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