Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday, 10/12

1. Briefly review Prefixes 1-26 (a-dis); make flashcards, a list, or study in some other form. If time, review Parts of Speech notes. Remember to try using three words with prefixes in them in your essay.


2. Continue writing Lit Analysis Essay #2. Aim to have your thesis written in the next five minutes, then have a peer or myself critique it and offer feedback before continuing.
*Good feedback: constructive, specific, and not flattering. Be objective, but respectful.

The prompt and outline guidelines are below--

#3: Analysis Essay

Homer goes to great lengths to characterize Odysseus—he has a “teeming mind,” weeps for his homeland, and is often described as “godlike.” Some say that Odysseus, because of Homer’s masterful storytelling, is the greatest hero of ancient Greece.

How does Homer display Odysseus’ strong nous, quick metis, or longing for nostoi* through specific elements of epic poetry? Find at least one use of epic simile to cite as evidence, and review notes for other elements.

Compose a 4-5 paragraph literary analysis essay that includes a thesis and two concrete examples from The Odyssey per body paragraph.
Use three words that contain prefixes from our list (a-dis).
*nous = “mind,” metis  = “cunning”, nostoi = “homecoming”

Other themes we have discussed: food/feasting, hospitality, vengeance

Choose a theme: ______________

Find 2-3 elements of epic poetry that the author uses to develop this theme:

Write a thesis (this is your main idea):

Write an outline (a sketch of each body paragraph, in list form):



HW--Parts of Speech and Prefixes Test tomorrow. Study Parts of Speech Notes/Bedford 46 and Prefixes 1-26 (a-dis).

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