Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday, 10/21

Check out this sweet, haiku-ish poem focused intently upon a single image...

Fall, by Ed Ochester from Pennsylvania

Crows, crows, crows, crows
then the slow flapaway over the hill
and the dead oak is naked

1. Pass back essays--review the following items, and place in your writing notes--

Optional Lit Analysis Essay 2 Re-write is due Block day, 10/29, submitted physically.

Always write in present tense for literary analysis
Always write in 3rd person (no "I," "me," "we," "you," etc.)
Assert your argument as fact; do not admit you are unsure
Be organized; stay on topic.
Do not summarize the plot
Avoid simple their/they're/there mistakes, and its/it's mistakes.
Insert quotes within your own syntax. Bare minimum: The author writes, "..." (See Bedford 55 on how to do this well).

Some more refreshers: Essay Structure on MVCS Writing Resource Blog

2. Finish Reading poems, practicing Analysis; begin writing a poem (see Intro to Poetry Notes for instructions)

HW--Poetry Key Terms Quiz on Block Day

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