Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday, 10/27

1. Pull up the "Poetry Reader" document in Notability. Choose a new poem (underneath the line) that you would like to read and analyze for your third Lit Analysis Essay. Begin reading and annotating the poem for figurative language and theme.

*Remember to follow the "three steps" in your notes.

2. On "Intro to Poetry Notes & Assignments, scroll down to find the prompt for the Lit Analysis Essay #3. It can also be found here.

*Review the expectations for a 5 paragraph essay here and expectations for Analytical writing here.

*Before you begin writing your first sentence with evidence, please review Bedford page 574 (Chapter 55b) for some good signal phrases, or sentence starters, for sentences with quotes in them. You may also review the rest of that chapter for some good tips on how to use quotes well.

*Please pay special attention to these things--

Always write in present tense for literary analysis
Always write in 3rd person (no "I," "me," "we," "you," etc.)
Assert your argument as fact; do not admit you are unsure
Be organized; do not write tangentially
Format correctly in MLA format
Do not summarize the plot

HW--You will have half of Block class to work on the essay, and will have the option of finishing it over the weekend.
Independent Reading. Go to bed early.
Reminder: Have Great Expectations by 11/2, and complete the Optional Lit Analysis Essay 2 by Block Day if you so desire.

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