Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thursday, 2/5 & Friday, 2/6

Turn in Essay. If it is not in physically as of now, and on, it is late. 10% for first day late, 5% off for every day after. Turn it in to both places by Monday for a 10% reduction.

Racism? Justice? Entailment?

Groups of three--assign each other one of these three jobs:

1) Comprehender (checking the facts of what is actually happening in this chapter)
2) Characterizer (focus on the characters, who they are, what they say, how they are developed)
3) Thematizer (focus on what ideas Harper Lee is developing--especially about Justice, Entailment, Racism, and Scapegoating.)

Read and discuss TKAMB Ch. 17-19.

As we read, closely examine the court scene.

Who has the stronger case?
What is Atticus' main argument in defense of Tom Robinson?
How do Scout and Jem deal with all of this?
What influences the jury? Why do they decide what they do?
What would justice be in this story? Is justice achieved? Why or why not?

Take Ch. 17-19 Quiz.
If time, read Q3 book.

Read Q3 Book--proposal due in one month; finish the book 1-2 weeks before that.

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