Thursday, February 11, 2016

Friday, 2/12

fac, fact, fic, fect
do, make
factory, fact, manufacture, amplification, confection

Sentence Types: Complex, Compound-Complex
Try to use a 'fac, fact, fic, fect' word in your responses.

a. I brush my teeth before going to bed. (What type of sentence is this? Why? Identify all independent and/or dependent clauses.)
b. All of my friends brush their beds before going to teeth, but I put my brushes to bed first. (What type of sentence is this? Why? Identify all independent and/or dependent clauses.

1. Discuss--what is love in the context of marriage and romantic relationships?

The real St. Valentine--the Christian marriage bandit

2. Finish Act 3 Reading in groups--discuss major plot points.

How is _________ (a character) characterized or developed in each scene? What picture of his or her personality is Shakespeare painting?

3. Watch some of Act 4

4. Review the Art & Analysis Project, and use the rest of class to either brainstorm for your Art project, or read your Independent Reading book. Make sure to have me sign the form if you choose a book not on the list, and have a parent sign the form no matter what the book is.

Art project and analysis essay are due March 1; presentations will follow that week (3rd-8th).

Independent Reading and Form due Wednesday, May 18th

HW--Brainstorm for your Art project, stay on pace with your independent reading book.

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