Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday, 2/22

*Review Roots duc/duct - fix. There will be a quiz Wednesday. Try to use 2-3 words with these roots in them in your Journal for today--

1. Journal #23 - What does love between God and humans look like, OR define love - what is it? How do aspects of Romeo & Juliet relate to your response?

Before writing, choose one of the following things to read or review--

   a. The Apostle's Creed--the prologue to the Christian story

   b. 1 Corinthians 13--a portrait of Divine Love by St. Paul

   c. Who is the real St. Valentine? What is his day all about?

   d. Mr. Kirkendall's theological reflection:

*At its highest point, Christian love, or charity, is self-sacrificial, self-giving, self-donating. The God-Man's (Jesus') death on the Roman Empire's torture and death-device is the highest example of this in human history: God poured himself out, sacrificing his beloved Son, that we might all be united to him again in his death and resurrection. In addition, God himself is Triune, a three-but-one being that is, in Himself, an example of self-giving love to the other members of the Trinity. God himself is pure Love, Father, Spirit, and Son eternally giving of themselves to each other in complete unity and harmony. The Divine Life radiates love, and by the merits of Christ we humans, though rebellious and still steeped in our sins, are welcomed into this Divine Life through his blood. As St. Thomas Aquinas famously says, love is to completely will the good of the other as other, out of no self-interest of our own. God perfectly models this, and our lives in him are an unfolding invitation to participate in God's love more deeply. Among other things, we are called to sacrifice ourselves for God and for neighbor.

Do any characters in Romeo & Juliet live up to this high standard of love set by the Christian God who is TRIUNE and INCARNATE? Do any come close? Is Shakespeare trying to make some kind of comment on this sort of love?

2. Review all expectations for the Art, Analysis, and Reflection project.
*Presentation order TBA by the end of the week.
*Essay outline due on Block Day this week, which is Wednesday/Thursday.
*Examples of excellence in art: Dana Gioia's "Pity the Beautiful" and a musician's rendition.

3. Brainstorm for your essay. Review the prompt here.

HW--Art Project due March 1. See me in class or FLEX to discuss any issues or speed-bumps along the way.

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