Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday, 2/9

dynamo, dynamic, dynamite, hydrodynamics
endorse, endocardial, endoskeletal, endoskeleton, endosperm

Sentence Types: Simple & Compound
If the sentence is simple, make it compound; if it is compound, make them simple; use a dynam or endo word in each.

a. I like fireworks.
b. I have had years of chiropractic adjustment, and I will be having back surgery soon.

1. Quick review for tomorrow's quiz--review notes and where you can find them on the blog.

2. Act 3 reading groups--how do dramatic devices and rhetorical (language devices) reveal character? Pay careful attention to Romeo's meltdown...


1. Plotsmith (plots)
2. Wordsmith (unknown vocabulary/modern translation)
3. Analyze-smith (literary devices)
4. Character-smith (are they changing or staying the same?)

HW--quiz on Romeo & Juliet Key Terms and Introduction notes tomorrow. Study.

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