Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday, 4/5

1. Copy these suffixes into your notes--

age act of, state of, result of storage, wreckage, damage 
al relating to gradual, manual, natural 

2. Keep the following in your "Reading Notes/Literary Devices notes"--

*Connotation--words' more particular meaning or meanings that comes from cultural, historical, or relational usage.

"Don't judge me."
"He's such a Nazi."

*Denotation--words' official dictionary definition based on linguistic study and scholarship

*Mood--the feeling or sense that a work of art creates in the reader

*Tone--a speaker's attitude

*Voice--the unique way that mood and tone combine to develop a distinct flavor or style of the author's writing.

3. What are some words from TKAMB that have significant connotations? How do these develop characters or themes?

4. Start Homework.

HW--Read Chapter 9 and complete a reading journal

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