Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Wed, 4/27

1. TKAMB Reading Quiz ch. 13-19 will be done in class today, it is open book. You may collaborate with each other, everyone is turning in their own quiz.

2. Mind Map is a visual construction of how your paper will be structured, this is a colorful version of an outline for your paper. A demonstration will be done on the board for reference, then you will be given time in class to begin drawing out your own map for your paper. The goal of this is to help you stay organized and have a direction of your paper.

*The PowerPoints shown in class that cover the introductory paragraph and thesis statement have been posted on Google Classroom for you to reference.

HW: Finish reading TKAMB and the reading journal, due 5/3. Begin forming intro. paragraph and mind map, rough draft of both due for peer review on block day. Bring your Bedford to class on block day!!

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